Friday, July 25, 2008

The Results are In!

These photos were taken during our exercise class over Thanksgiving. Sara's booty was not included for 2 reasons..

1. It doesn't exist.

2. If it did she was wearing jeans, so dead giveaway.

Booty #1 and most bootylicious was.....drumrolll....yes thank you, thank you that would be mine.

Booty #2 and winner for most athletic is ....drumroll...Summer!

Booty #3 and winner for full screen coverage and most anonymous looking is .....drumroll.....Chara!

Booty #4 and winner for most wrong guesses for your booty is.....drum roll.....Brenda!

Booty#5 and winner for least Barbee looking booty in the family is....drum roll...Chesed!

Booty #6 and winner for least jiggles and dimples is ...Drum roll ....Karin!

Booty #7 and winner for most recently improved is.......drum roll.......Doh Doh!


sara jackson said...

I think Sydney Katya is going to have Aunt Summer's booty. Parker Reid has mine.

One Krazy Momma said...

Sydney, you go girl!

Summer said...


chesedb said...

that is not my butt. I don't recognize those pants... Hmmm...

MJN6 said...

I am not sure #7 is mine either. I need a little more ID on that for proof but thanks for the compliment. Our theme song from here forth should be I LIKE BIG BUTTS!!! Doh Doh

ma said...

I agree with Sara. Sydney is certainly blessed with one from someone. Maybe me instead of Summer. LOVE YOU ma

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I tried to leave my comment earlier today. When I pulled this back up to check-out any added comments I saw mine was missing, which is not the case with my booty, although it would be nice if some of it were missing. I think that publishing a photo copy of a butt might be consider booty harassment. Just wait until this Thanksgiving, I will have the new improved version of the Barbee/Weston Booty. I am faithfully working my butt OFF. Now if I can just keep at it at least until Thanksgiving I might be able to surpass the person who won the "Most Improved Booty" award. But don't hold your breathe!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I actually thought booty number 7 was Joshua's before the revealing of the booty names. I'd check that one out too, MJ. and I can't believe you guys missed mine. It was really quiet obvious that it my mine and since you guys have that view of my booty a whole lot more than I do (hardly ever) then it seems likely to me that more of you would have guessed it correctly.

One Krazy Momma said...
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