Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ball Season

Well, we are well into our ball season and I feel like I live at the ball park. Sara, you are lucky to have just recently started and missed some of the cold nights, maybe. Needless to say, this is why I haven't posted in a while. I haven't gotten to see much of Brandon's games because they are usually at the same time as McKinley's. I stand between the two fields and watch one or the other. I usualy watch more of McKinley's since she pitches. It seems like every time I miss seeing Brandon bat. Anyway, it is pretty stressful keeping up with four kids who aren't playing for the 2-3 hour games especially once it gets dark. Brady comes home pretty dirty from playing in the dirt where I stand to watch. I have my little group of baby sitters that take turns with Madison, and the little girls usually run around where I can still keep an eye on them. I'm lucky to see any of the game. Since Tony coaches Brandon he can't help out. Thanks Pops, for relieving me of some of the very late Friday night games. I told my babysitter, Kappi, I was going to hire her one night so I could just sit and watch a game with out worrying where all the kids are. LOL

But both kids are playing well and enjoying it. We only have 3 weeks left whew. I think McKinley is the only one playing allstars this year, but that is still up in the air. Tony doesn't want Brandon to play this year since he just moved up to the minors.

I am so sick of smelling the frenchfries cooking and when the kids get some I find myself eating them without even wanting to. Yuck.

Sorry if this post is pretty depressing; I'm just so stressed out and tired. Any prayers for energy and patience would be welcome. My house is a dissaster from my never being home to clean, and when I am, I'm too tired.

I'm going to try and post some pics.


ma said...

Wish I was up there to help you. I'll try to come one day next week. Glad McKinley is doing well with her games. Come whenever you can and just maybe you can grab a nap down here. LOVE YOU ma

PS I will be praying God will give you strength. Don't fret about the house, all that work will wait for you. The Children won't.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that you are tired and stressed. I love you and will try to get up there soon. Lord Bless her with the grace to do what she needs to do.

sara jackson said...

House cleaning is WAY OVERRATED. In my viewpoint, although I am sure it gets on your nerves. Mine is very rarely clean but I have just learned to live with it and we try to once a week. I am praying for God to give you lots of patience. I don't know how we would have made it this season without my mom for help, especially with LITTLE MISS. She is a handful. I know you will be happy for a break from the games for a while. Thank goodness we only had one cold night. YEAH!!!! Praying for you to have patience (which I don't think runs in our family, I am continually working on that). I love you and you should blog more it will help relieve the stress. I promise!!! Take care of yourself.

MJN6 said...

Enjoy the just gets faster and faster and more fun until they are grown and then you don't know what to do with all that time. Love you Doh Doh

chesedb said...

I know I couldn't do it! I still joke with all my friends that if I ever have kids I'm just going to give them to you and let you raise them. Maybe Monday I can come up and help. I'm not working that day.

chesedb said...

I know I couldn't do it! I still joke with all my friends that if I ever have kids I'm just going to give them to you and let you raise them. Maybe Monday I can come up and help. I'm not working that day.