(notice hot pursuit)

Well it's been a while again. So what's new around here you ask?Let me just start back a few months. I love to be outside early in the morning, especially on a spring day. I grab my Bible and step out my bedroom door onto my wonderful deck, and I walk over to my lovely porch swing (thank you Ma). I start to sit on the cushioned seat and realize it is not clean. Apparently our 500 kittens think it's their litter box. So I pull the cushions off and sit on the swing anyway. I open my Bible and start to read. Suddenly I am accosted by those 500 kittens whose 8000 claws dig into my skin when they realize Chester the goat is climbing into my lap as well! By this point, Chester is full grown and has a nice set of horns. Needless to say, I was not going to be able to read on my swing. I ran over to the top of the picnic table to try an evade Chester's horn when I got up, forgetting that goats love to climb. So I nixxed the leisurely Bible reading I had planned and decided to check on our only hen. At this point she had been setting on Tony's work bench in the barn for a month. She quit laying eggs and started setting. Now she does not have a boyfriend ,unless you count Chuck the duck because he counts himself, so she wasn't going to hatch anything even if she was sitting on a pile of eggs. Every morning I would come out to see if she had laid an egg and she would puff up and peck at me just like she was sitting on a big bunch of eggs! I guess springtime does that to some. So, recently a friend of ours heard about our setting Hen, who by now had been setting for 3 months, and brought her 20 fertilized hatching eggs to sit on. So sweet. She's much happier now, and since hatching all of her adopted eggs has gone back to roaming around the yard and laying her daily egg. Which brings us to her new boyfriend. This same friend, whom we love dearly, told Tony he could have one of their "extra" roosters because they didn't "need" him. So, of course, Tony said, "Sure! Charis loooves animals." So she brings us the most beautiful rooster. He is the picture perfect rooster. So hen and rooster were locked up in the chicken coop to get acquainted. Chuck the duck paced around the perimeter, livid that he has been excluded. That was his girlfriend, by the way. Rooster showed us how he cock-a-doodles and the kids loved hearing it. Especially Sunny. Now we sounded like a farm. We sounded like a farm at 1:00 a.m. , 3:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m., and 7:00 a.m., each alarm lasting 30 minutes in duration at 30 second intervals! I'm sure our new neighbors love us, as the chicken coop backs up to their property and my bedroom window. So hen now lays eggs again and Chuck tries to kill rooster when he gets the chance. Rooster still crows all night long. Chester has made the kid's playhouse his hangout, and ponies have driven me nuts! Chicks try to fly out of their box when we feed them. Cats sit below box just in case one succeeds. Some have. Cats happy. To be Continued.....
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Don't you just love living in the country!! I miss the property in Valdosta and all the stars you could see at night!!!!
That desk is full of detritus; everything from magnets and batteries to cigarettes as well as the lighter that lit them.Meanwhile.the white silhouette from the screen with your screen keeps running in a a number of seemingly impassable objects on his way through this extremely meta puzzler.OWWW Act online here.There have ample games riffing off Terry Cavanagh's VVVVVV.but OWWW is among the most oddest.and definitely the only person for being occur Terry's mouth.FIFA 15 Coins PS3
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