These photos were taken during our exercise class over Thanksgiving. Sara's booty was not included for 2 reasons..
1. It doesn't exist.
2. If it did she was wearing jeans, so dead
Booty #1 and most
bootylicious was.....drumrolll....yes thank you, thank you that would be mine.
Booty #2 and winner for most athletic is ....drumroll...Summer!
Booty #3 and winner for full screen coverage and most
anonymous looking is .....drumroll.....Chara!
Booty #4 and winner for most wrong guesses for your booty is.....drum roll.....Brenda!
Booty#5 and winner for least Barbee looking booty in the family is....drum roll...Chesed!
Booty #6 and winner for least jiggles and dimples is ...
Drum roll ....Karin!
Booty #7 and winner for most recently improved is.......drum roll.......Doh