Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to the best NeNe in the world!
I love you!
.....FYI we also have no pictures of us together...

Monday, July 28, 2008

After a Thorough Reveiw...

I went back and reviewed the Thanksgiving video footage of our exercise class. Chesed, I believe you are right, that was not your booty. You were wearing looser fitting pants. I'm pretty sure this is another picture of Chara's booty. Doh Doh was wearing the shorts that are shown in her booty picture.

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Results are In!

These photos were taken during our exercise class over Thanksgiving. Sara's booty was not included for 2 reasons..

1. It doesn't exist.

2. If it did she was wearing jeans, so dead giveaway.

Booty #1 and most bootylicious was.....drumrolll....yes thank you, thank you that would be mine.

Booty #2 and winner for most athletic is ....drumroll...Summer!

Booty #3 and winner for full screen coverage and most anonymous looking is .....drumroll.....Chara!

Booty #4 and winner for most wrong guesses for your booty is.....drum roll.....Brenda!

Booty#5 and winner for least Barbee looking booty in the family is....drum roll...Chesed!

Booty #6 and winner for least jiggles and dimples is ...Drum roll ....Karin!

Booty #7 and winner for most recently improved is.......drum roll.......Doh Doh!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Name That Booty

Just put your answers as a comment.
Add a name for each number.








Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Chesed!

My Sister is Amazing!
Yes, you are getting old!
Madison Loves Her
She Can Fish

Mario Loves Her
(but he loves me the best ;) )

She Takes Time To Stop and Enjoy God's Beauty

She Has A Good Lap
No matter what you may think, she's actually a very good babysitter.
McKinley Loves Her

She's there when you need her.
She knows how to have a good time.
She loves to have her picture made. ;) and we love her for that.
Madelyn loves her.
Mauri loves her.

Brady loves her.
She has nice legs.
She always looks good in pictures.
She is not a morning person!
She's an awesome aunt.
.....(She has cleavage?)
Brandon Loves you too, I just couldn't find a picture.
I love you Chesed. You are an awesome sister and you inspire me.
Oh, and we don't have any pics of us together so FYI....

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Blogged

I just confiscated 3 trash bags full of stuff off my two little girls' floor! They are a bunch of little piggies. As soon as I informed them that I was going to do the same with any of their stuff in the rest of the house, it was soon clean as well. So every night anything on their floor after room cleaning time is over, will also be confiscated. They probably won't miss any of it either.

VBS is over. I kept the nursery with Tony's cousin Cynthia. It was fun. There was a 55 pound 2 year old in there! He was at least 2 heads taller than Brady. I was the lucky one who got to change his pullup. Try hefting that big of a kid up on to the changing table.

Tony's out of town for the weekend hanging out with coach Ricks or Hicks or something like that. Some Georgia college coach from one of those schools. He was in the Facing the Giants movie if that helps identify him. He then was invited to go visit the Atlanta Falcons combine.

Next weekend I'm going to hang out with a bunch of kids 6 and under at a birthday party. LOL

I'm going to bed now. Love ya'll