Sunday, May 18, 2008


Tony's still passing kidney stones. We're going on 3 weeks now since the Litho. They sent some of them off to the lab and they found that they were made of Sunkist. Here's a pic of some I've collected for your viewing pleasure.

Notice the orange color. This all began 9 months ago. That is what's is kind of funny.

Ball season ended last week. I survived the full day of closing ceremonies. McKInley made Allstars. YAY! ...

Buddy's missing now for 5 days. There is a horrible dead smell coming from under the house.

Mother's day was nothing to rave about. I had a PBJ. The kids brought me a beautiful bouquet that they picked from my rose bushes. I won the award for most kids at church. I visited with my mom and sisters on the Sat before.

I'm getting 10 cats to kill the rats.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Dad says you only need 2 cats because then you will have 10 very quickly. This is a very funny blog, but I know that the last three weeks have pretty intense. Why don't you come down and take a few days off? You can stay with me and we will go to the beach every day. LOVE, MOM

ma said...

So glad to get an update. Poor Tony. I know he's been in lots of pain. Were they really caused by Sunkist? I am home now so come on down. Sara sent some things for the children. I will be thrilled when you get some cats. LOVE YOU ma

MJN6 said...

How funny!!!! Pack up and come to ATL. Things are calm and peaceful here. HA HA (you all would fit right in)Love you DOHDOH

Rosemary said...

Oh, dear! Are you taking notes other than this blog? Your mis-adventures could make a great movie...skip the book and make some real money on real life. Bless you! (Oh, I loved the tribute to your daughter. I really miss my "little" girl.)