Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kelley Update

So, Ive had some complaints on my lack of blogging and face booking. I tried to think of some cool stuff to write about, and nothing came to mind. I haven't sewn 100+ outfits since Christmas. I haven't run any marathons or half marathons. I wish I could do all of that. Sara amazes me with all that she gets accomplished. And then there's all the avid athletes. You guys are awesome! We haven't visited any interesting places lately either. Unless you count my mom's house. Now that's very interesting! Nope, I just do the same ole thing day after day. The standard 10 loads of laundry & watching the kids while the others are at school. And, yes, one of those kids is a goat, Leslie. His name is Chester, and he thinks I'm hi favorite when McKinley is at school. For instance, have any of you had a goat help you clean your car out. Well Chester does. I'm out there vacuuming away and her comes Chester to help. He hops in the front door and grabs some trash and comes over to the middle of the van to get right in my face to show me what he's found. I push him out the other side and he hops back in behind me. I shove him out the front and he hops back in through the back. Then he thinks it's a pushing game and starts trying to ram me in my rear when I push him back away from the car. He's so very helpful. Then when I get him out of the way I hear kittens screaming. I'm sure they
are wondering, with their still shut eyes, what kind of place they've been born into. I go to check what all the commotion is about, knowing Sunny has something to do with it. She sees me coming, and has her arms full of all 5 kittens, and knowing she's not supposed to be picking them up, panics and throws them one by one (like baseballs) back into the box! Speaking of kittens, do any of you remember when I said I needed 10 cats to kill the rats? Well we got the 2 cats last year this time. The oldest cat had kittens shortly after. We kept a boy and a stray girl wound up in our yard, So that brought the total to 3 girl cars and 1 boy. Well the girl cats have all found boyfriends. We've had one batch of 5 kittens; all but one are girls! The other two mothers look like they are due any day now. I had told the girls that we were not keeping any girl kitties unless they could pay to have them fixed. So when 4 were girls, they were very upset.

We have 4 kids playing baseball this year. Mauri is playing tee-ball. She looks like a giant on her team, because half the kids are only 3! Since when do you start tee-ball at three? They are all very cute though. Madelyn is playing pitching machine. She's pretty good. It's a little more fun to watch than tee-ball. There are a bunch of little rascals on her team though. :) Brandon is in the minor league. He plays pitcher and 2ND base. He's very fun to watch. McKinley could have started playing middle school softball, but she wanted to play one more year in the little league? She pitches and plays 3rd base. She'll be a good little baller. Needless to say we seem to live at the ball park. Thankfully, someone had the wonderful idea to start all the games at 6:00 on the school nights, so we're not there till midnight. One thing good about 4 kids playing ball at the same time is that you don't need to worry about seats. We just keep making the circle. Tony and I split up and divide babies and keep an eye on all the fields. You can usually see 2 kids from one spot if you stand between the 2 fields. Last time McKinley and Madelyn were up to bat at the same time. The pitches we're not at the same time, though. So it was like watching a tennis match.

Oh, we had another student of the month! Mauri was chosen as the elementary school student of the month! This means that all the girls have made it in the same school year! Brandon is feeling the pressure. Actually, I really don't think he cares. Except that he would like to get checked out for the Kiwanis luncheon and get all the loot.

Have any of you left things at my mom's house? Have you ever seen them again? Well I left my camera, so hence the lack of new pictures on this blog. McKinley came back from my mom's with a pretty new pair of teva flip flops. She said NeNe said she could have them because she didn't know whose they were. McKinley made the comment afterwards that she thought that's probably what happened to her camouflage jacket. These are McKinley's words as she plays out a scene between NeNe and whoever...." Oh, you don't have a jacket.... here's a nice camo jacket...I don't know whose it is.....just keep it." So if anyone left some Rainbow colored Teva flip flops at my mom's house....they're McKinley's now, and not near as new looking. They fit me rather nicely too.

So, is this enough news for y'all? Oh, Brandon and I are going to Jamaica for Jake's wedding. We applied for his passport this week. He thought that was awesome. He looks like he's stoned in his picture. Judah, could you give Brandon some picture taking pointers, or maybe Jake? LOL